SERA for Evidence Based Training (EBT)

In a nutshell, Evidence Based Training (EBT) doesn't ask "what did the pilot do wrong?" but "why did the pilot do something wrong?" Using a number of events to develop and assess crew performance, EBT focuses on the pilot’s overall competency, not his or her ability to repeatedly perform a certain set of actions. While procedure is important, EBT asks, “How can a pilot deal with an unusual (or even nearly catastrophic) circumstance and maintain safe operation of his or her aircraft?”.

Under EBT, crews must demonstrate and instructors must accurately assess eight competencies. The three most relevant to SERA are communication, situational awareness, and workload management.


Traditional flight training requires the instructor to role-play all pilot interactions with air traffic control (ATC). How is the instructor supposed to focus on assessing pilot performance while they are distracted with a performance of their own?

Situational Awareness

Traditional flight training involves one aircraft, one crew, and one or more instructor(s). Nobody else is in the mix. With an empty airport and no other aircraft or pilots in the simulation, how can instructors gauge situational awareness? There is no "situation" that requires awareness.

Workload Management

Traditional flight training is missing the critical communications and situational awareness elements. How can instructors accurately measure workload management in the absence of a full pilot workload?

The answer to these deficiencies is simple. Add SERA to the simulation, and these three competencies become a natural element of any pilot assessment.

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