Simulated Environment
for Realistic ATC

SERA is a dynamic ATC environment featuring realistic traffic delivering crew immersion and real-world workloads for all types of flight simulators and training.

Not only does it increase flight training's realism, but it also provides an immersive air traffic control (ATC) and traffic experience in the air and on the ground. SERA eliminates the need for instructor role-play, introducing real-world communication demands, increasing training value, and decreasing training costs.

  • 100%
    repeatable ATC training scenarios for every student
  • 300+
    systems delivered for training
  • 100%
    objective scoring of student performance
  • 5000+
    students trained
  • Students can join ATC exercise at any phase of flight
  • 20+
    sim manufacturers
  • 24/7

Pilot PT

Pilot Phraseology Trainer

Learn to speak like a pilot. Anytime. Anywhere.



SERA Partners

See SERA in Action!

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